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Satellite Sessions

As of 16 October 2012

The descriptions of satellite sessions, including named speakers, themes and organization of the session, have been provided by the session organizers and are subject to confirmation/change. 
Most satellite sessions are open to all participants. For the convenience of participants, also included here are satellite meetings that are by invitation only. For these, there is no link to programme details.
Registration for satellite meetings is now open, on a first-come, first-served basis. You will see the maximum number of participants in the last column below. Click   to register for up to three sessions of your choice.

Tuesday 30 October 2012



Organization (Organizer)

Satellite Session Title

Participants must pre-register for satellite sessions. Registration opens 1 October, through the website. Places are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.


Crown Plaza Hotel, Room 5

Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN)(Marilyn Heymann)

(40) Expanding coverage to poor and informal populations: lessons learned in health financing reforms” (by invitation only)

Wednesday 31 October 2012



Organization (Organizer)

Satellite Session Title

Participants must pre-register for satellite sessions. Registration opens 1 October, through the website. Places are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.


305 C

National Key Lab of Health Technology Assessment, School of Public Health, Fudan University
(Yingyao Chen)

(08) Knowledge translation: from health technology assessment to health policy-making. 30 participants. Details


University Research Co., LLC
(Nana Mensah-Abrampah)

(28) How do we learn in order to strengthen health systems? 50 participants. Details


305 D

Global Health Research Initiative
(Renée Larocque; Esmé Lanktree)

(05) Challenges and opportunities in task-shifting in East Africa: lessons from the field. 50 participants. Details

305 A

Futures Group, Health Policy Initiative Costing Task Order(Sarah Alkenbrack)

(19) Using data and tools to inform resource allocation for the HIV response. 30 participants. Details

305 E

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
(Susannah Mayhew)

(34) Innovation and integration: new evidence on measurement, cost-efficiencies and health impact of integrated service delivery. 50 participants. Details

305 B

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)(Alexander Rowe)

(39) Preliminary results of a systematic review of strategies to improve health care provider performance in low- and middle-income countries (by invitation only)


201 A

Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp on behalf of the INCO-GHI Consortium (Luc Van Leemput)

(11) Global health initiatives and UHC. 50 participants. Details


Asia Network for Capacity Building in Health Systems (Sandy Cheung)

(16) Asia Network for Capacity Building in Health Systems Strengthening. 50 participants. Details


Center for the Study of Equity and Governance in Health Systems (Walter Flores)

(23) Community monitoring for accountability in health and its contribution to building equitable and people-centred health systems. 30 participants. Details

Continental Grand Hotel, Grand Ballroom East

United States Agency for International Development
(Rena Eichler and Karen Cavanaugh)

(30) In search of impact and value for money: can financial incentives significantly and sustainably increase provision and use of maternal health services? 100 participants. Details

203 B

World Health Organization
(Joseph Kutzin)

(37) Does universal health coverage = universal health insurance? Debates in health financing for universal coverage. 50 participants. Details



WHO/TDR in collaboration WHO/IRP and USAID
(Garry Aslanyan)

(09) Introducing the core curriculum for implementation research. 25 participants. Details


World Bank
(Caryn Bredenkamp)

(10) Measuring equity and financial protection -- using ADePT Health. 100 participants. Details



Management Sciences for Health (MSH)
(Crystal Lander)

(21) 3G Universal (Health) Coverage: why gender, generations and governance must be addressed to achieve UHC. 50 participants. Details

305 C

United States Agency for International Development
(Nazo Kureshy)

(32) "Getting real" through NGO partnerships with policy-makers and researchers to test innovative, scalable solutions to implementation challenges:  community health systems research on reaching neglected populations in LAC, Africa and Asia 30 participants. Details


201 B

Population Council
(Charlotte Warren)

(27) Improving access to postnatal care services in Africa:  evidence and lessons for policy-makers, implementers and donors. 30 participants. Details



Deloitte Consulting LLP
(Beth Melby)

(25) Measuring health system effectiveness: tracking progress toward better performance and accountability to stakeholders. Including lunch. 75 participants. Details


201 A

University of Leeds
(Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay, KIT)

(03) Leveraging research on regulations to ensure equitable access to quality universal maternal health coverage: a dialogue between researchers and policy-makers from Vietnam, India and China. 50 participants. Details


203 E

ESSENCE on Health Research (WHO/TDR hosted initiative)(Garry Aslanyan)

(07) ESSENCE on Health Research members meeting (by invitation only)


305 C

Global Health Research Initiative
(Renée Larocque and Esmé Lanktree)

(06) Immunization research in post-disaster Haiti. 30 participants. Details

305 E

Management Sciences for Health (MSH)
(Steve Solter)

(15) Getting to universal health coverage in fragile states: how community health workers contribute to stronger health systems. 50 participants. Details


National Department of Health, South Africa/HLSP
(Myles Ritchie)

(36) Universal access to health care in South Africa through national health insurance. 30 participants. Details


305 D

Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp-Belgium
(Wim Van Damme)

(12) Female Emerging Voices for Global Health. 50 participants. Details

305 A

Futures Group, Health Policy Project
(Karen Hardee)

(18) Strengthening research on policy implementation and why it matters to health policy and systems research. 30 participants. Details


United States Agency for International Development
(Kaitlyn Patierno)

(31) Ethiopian health care financing reforms: on the path to universal health coverage. 50 participants. Details

305 B

Abt Associates and Results for Development Institute (co-hosting)(Catherine Connor)

(35) Provider payment in practice: experience and solve a real country case. 30 participants. 30 participants. Details


203 A

(Taghreed Adam)

(01) Journal supplements on advancing methodologies, knowledge and practices for using systems thinking in strengthening health systems in LMICs: authors meeting (by invitation only)


World Bank
(Daniel Cotlear)

(26) The World Bank’s Universal Coverage Challenge Program (UNICO) -- Examining the nuts and bolts of health programs that expanded coverage in 24 developing countries. 100 participants. Details

203 B

African Development Bank, World Bank Institute & Asia Network for Capacity Building in Health Systems Strengthening (Mona Sharan)

(38) Asia-Africa knowledge exchange on health insurance. 50 participants. Details


Wu Zhou Room (Hotel)

Centre on Global Health Security, Chatham House
(Charles Clift)

(41) Towards universal coverage: WHO and the international system and sustainable financing. 100 participants. Details

201 B

Netherlands Platform for Global Health Policy & Health Systems Research (Godelieve van Heteren)

(42) Global health networks and alternative research infrastructure. 30 participants. 30 participants. Details


201 C&D

Management Sciences for Health and Harvard Medical School, Department of Population Medicine
(Douglas Keene)

(14) Medicines and universal health coverage schemes: why must we care and what can the global health community do? 100 participants. Details

305 C

Population Council (Ashish Bajracharya)

(24) Evaluating vouchers for reproductive health: Beijing premiere screening and discussion of the documentary film “Kadi: Saving Mothers and Babies, One Voucher at a Time”. 30 participants. Details

305 E

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
(Debora Kern)

(33) How can health system research contribute to improve equity in the health sector? 50 participants. Details

Saturday 3 November 2012



Organization (Organizer)

Satellite Session Title



Evidence for Health Policy in Vietnam (VINE)
(Peter Hill)

(04) Evidence for health policy in Vietnam: challenges in research, analysis and translation. 50 participants. Details

308 Futures Group, Center for Policy and Advocacy
(Tisha Wheeler)
(17) Driving policy and measurement of community systems: new thinking and data informing major donor strategies. 100 participants. Details

To be announced

Heartfile (Sania Nishtar)

(43) Heartfile Health Financing: an innovation in targeting social protection funds. 50 participants. Details

 10.30-11.30 Tea/coffee break 12.30-13.30 Lunch break (lunch not provided) 15.00-15.30 Tea/coffee break


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